quinta-feira, 15 de julho de 2010

The most expensive coffee ( cafezinho ) in the world ?

Waiters “hard live” at Brazilian Senate…

Due recent publication of the income received by holders of public posts in Brazil, some other news caught my  attention.
The approval last week by local parlment  of wages increase – average 25% -, for the staff of the Senate. After  brief research I found out  that local Senate is “managed” by 181 directors. But now Senate is facing another  surprising figures: at least 20.4% of 3,500 servers in the  institution are waiters or porters.

In the whole they represent  717 staff members, 204 waiters and 513 porters. The average salary of such servers is  R$3,000 / month ( US$  1.700 ), but there are some waiters earning more than R$8,000 month ( US$ 4.520 )!!!. More curious in average they just work 3 up 4 hours per shift, 4 shifts per week. In theory, there are in the Senate more than seven waiters to serve each of the 81 senators !!!.

But, if we consider that 81 senators drink on average 4 cafézinhos a day, times 5 days per week, we come to the simple conclusion that only in personnel costs  each cafezinho will cost to Brasilian tax payers the amount of R$ 95.00 each  ( US$ 54 ). Cheap isn’t it????!!!!
If we look further we notice : Local Senate includes on their payroll 6,630 servers (  2,030 retired ).  Senate project will have an impact of R$ 217.7 million this year alone and almost half billion next year: R$ 464 million ( US$ 262 Mio ).

In a few minutes, the members included the project and the agreed tariff. Proof that after all, when they like, they are fast in the decision…
Was you who asked for a cafézinho? If you are in Brasilia, bear in mind, check your wallet first...

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