terça-feira, 20 de julho de 2010


At last, a new political party to be reckoned with in Japan!

There is something forgivably yuppie like about YOUR PARTY,  the  11 month old outfit that In the upper house elections on July 11th burst out as a new force in Japanese politics. It may be the pineapple-like quiff on the head of Yoshimi Watanabe, its 58 year old leader. Or it may be the way that young japanese businessmen discuss it with the rever­ence usually reserved for MBA courses.
Its success on Sunday is owed chiefly to two factors. First, disenchantment with the Democratic Party ol Japan. Keltchiro Asao, one of Your Party's founding MP's, says that of the 5Mio new voters it picked up since the general election last August, about three-quarters were defectors from the ruling party. Second was its campaign message of small government, strong economic growth and backing for Japan's strategic alliance with America. 
Such policies attract the support of business-which in turn brings plenty of funding.
With a tally of 11 out of 142 seats in the upper house and five out of 480 in the lower house, it is hardly a direct threat to the two main parties. But it has the clout to propose important legislation: Mr Watanabe says he wants to change the law governing the Bank of Japan if it does not adopt an inflation target to pull Japan out of deflation.
Its rivals hope it will be a one-hit wonder, and think its business leanings  will, in time,alienate the public. But if the new party keeps its focus on growth, Japan's disenchanted and underem­ployed youth may yet take a greater interest. The two main panics, run by men in then sixties, rarely spare young sters a thought! So, they must be careful with young, free and single, "new kids on the block...."

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